We brought kings cakes in the community!

Kings cake : two recipes!

Frangipane kings cake: the recipe

Ingredients (for 6 persons):

2 puff pastries

140 g of ground almonds

100 g of sugar

2 eggs

75 g of melted butter

1 egg yolk

1 charm

How to do

1. Put a puff pastry in a pie plate, then jab the pastry with a fork.

2. In a salad bowl, mix the ground almonds, the sugar, the 2 eggs and the melted butter.

3. Put the preparation you have got in the pie plat and hide the charm in.

4. Cover with the second puff pastry, putting the edges together.

5. Draw on the top with the point of a knife, then paint with the egg yolk.

6. Put in the hoven during 20-30min at 200°C (thermost at 6-7); check the cooking regularly!

Chocolate kings cake: the recipe

Ingredients (for 8 persons):

2 eggs and 1 egg yolk

1 dessert spoon of cinnamon (optional)

125 g of butter

200 g of black chocolate

125 g of sugar
2 puff pastries

1 charm

How to do

1. Preheat the oven at 200°C (thermostat 6-7). Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie, then add the melted butter and mix with a spoon.

2. Incorporate the sugar.

3. Add the 2 beated eggs, mix again incorporating the cinnamon (optional).

4. Roll out a puff pastry on greaseproof paper. Then roll out the preparation on the pastry, letting a margin of 3 cm. Hide the charm in.

5. Cover with the second puff pastry, put the edges together. Then paint the top with an egg yolk.

6. You can draw as well with the point of a knife for example.

7. Put in the hoven during 30min.

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