You want to give us a hand in a solidarity project? To discover a new culture, to meet people from everywhere? Join us!
We are going to implement a solidarity work camp in the countryside, near the city of Iasi in Romania!
The camp will take place from the 1st of June to the 30th of September 2018. Either for a week or for a month, you are welcome !
What is the project?
The foundation Un Coup de Main d’Emmaus Iasi seeks to expand its geographical area of action, as well as the action itself. Through this project, we want to implement an organic vegetable farming, to welcome people and raise awareness among general public about environment, and to extend the second-hand shop. The 2018 work camp represents the beginning of this major project, which includes the building of an educational farm. The first step is to build the second-hand shop on the field of the Belvedere, in the rural town of Podu Iloaiei near Iasi. We will also implement cultivations and plant trees.What will be your tasks?
First of all, you will help the team to erect the metal structure of the shop. Then you will give a hand in the layout work (insulation, etc.) Your task all along the camp also will be to organize the agricultural plot near the shop: to plant, to look after the crop growing. We don’t expect you to have any specific skills in this camp (but if you have some… it’s also great !)
A word about Un Coup de Main d’Emmaus Iaşi
Un Coup de Main d’Emmaus Iasi is a non-profit organization which aims to support homeless people and people in a precarious situation.
The foundation has two communities of each 14 companions: some of them lived in the street after they left Iasi orphanages or surroundings.
Supported by a team of managers and social workers (one social worker, one psychologist), the companions are provided with a room and a full board, and find confidence working in our second-hand shop or in our farm in the countryside.
When they feel ready, the companions leave the community to find a job, start a family, in short to reintegrate in the society. This is our objective.
Since more than 18 years, our association has supported homeless people through street outreaches, daily food and clothes delivery in several places in Iasi. We also provide them with an administrative support. Each year, we support approximately 50 families, so 150 people in a precarious situation.
For a little organization…
• You can come to Iasi by plane, train, car or stop… Then the place of the work camp is reachable by car (we will have one available) or bus (one each thirty minutes). • Although it is near of a major road, the place is very isolated: none solid construction, none wifi… (but the Romanian network cards are affordable and satisfying !) • If the weather is good, the volunteers will camp in the place. If not, you will sleep in one of our communities. If you have tents, don’t hesitate to bring it with you. However we will be able to provide the volunteers with some tents. • The way to Iasi will be charged to you. We will give you the meals. • To make the organization easier, we ask the volunteers to work in the camp at least one week. • We can welcome until 9 persons per week. Thus we ask you to register so we are able to schedule.See you there !